From afar, August looked pretty good but now that we’ve had a chance to pre-view what’s coming, the selections seem a bit lacking. Still, Dale (Digital Doodles), Colleen (Mary Ostler Wood Butchery & Other Stuff) and special gues Khaled (Eveything is Eventual) check out the trailers and find at least one title we’re all pretty excited about.
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Show Notes:
Click on movie title for the trailer.
Opening Music: AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” (iTunes)
Opening August 5th
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
The Change-Up
The Whistleblower
Magic Trip
Opening August 12th
30 Minutes or Less
The Help
Final Destination 5
Glee: The 3D Concert Movie
Opening August 19th
One Day
Fright Night
Conan the Barbarian
Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D
Griff the Invisible
Opening August 26th
Our Idiot Brother
Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
Higher Ground
Closing Music: Letters vs. Numbers’ “My Turn to Evil“ (iTunes)

– Current Films: Catfish and F for Fake
– Upcoming Films: Zardoz and Flash Gordon
And yes, I’m two timing. Check out my writing at
Marina, your writing is very insightful, but Anton Yelchin is a wretched actor; Krull is awesome (and I would think you of all people could appreciate Ken Marshall tiny little bird legs); and if the brilliance and, yes, thematic density of Conan the Barbarian is lost on you, I highly recommend Doug Nagy’s commentary on it.
Oh worry not. I’m damned excited about CONAN and I hope to god someone had Doug on a podcast forvthat review. I can already feel the gold! As for Yelchin – he has much more range than most of the other actors in his age range. I say that but I just realized I’m not sure how old he is.