After the Credits Episode 5 – Christmas Traditions


Dale, Colleen and Marina talk about Christmas traditions, with help from a few of the Row Three contributors and even a regular reader!

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Show Notes:

:01 – Introduction

1:04 – Marina’s tradition
4:14 – John’s tradition
5:57 – Dale’s tradition
10:24Darren’s Tradition

SNL: Schewaty Balls

12:12 – Colleen’s tradition
17:24 – Other recommendations
21:57 – Mike’s tradition
26:28 – Andrew’s tradition

Happy Holidays from the After the Credits Crew!

After The Credits Crew Christmas

10 thoughts on “After the Credits Episode 5 – Christmas Traditions

  1. D'oh! Sorry, can't believe I forgot to send something in on this. Busy month. As it is, gotta say Die Hard and Lethal Weapon cause the cable stations played them every year growing up. More recently, Jim Carrey's Grinch with a friend who can quote the sarcastic oneliners with me, and I like Ice Harvest and Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (Michelle Monaghan Santa outfit!) for holiday theme noir.

    Oh, and being you asked, we don't watch a burning log channel, but when I'm at my parents place they have the log DVD with music too, and that'll usually make an appearance at some point.

    And thanks to Andrew for adding the Chevy Chase rant to the podcast! One of my all time favorites.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Great call on "Love Actually." I just watched this again with my sister for the first time since I saw it theatrically. The cast is ridiculously terrific and the funness involved is fantastic. I love each and every thread and I think it's hilarious.

    Even the ridiculous scenes are funny as hell, simply because they are ridculous. It doesn't hurt that Keira Knightley is supremely fine in this one. Plus it's completely touching.

    Jolly good show!

  3. Glad there's a lot of love for Love Actually.

    I think the ensemble casting and the interwoven stories of the fun and really interesting characters did it for me. And come on, this was written and directed by Richard Curtis! Got to love Bill Nighy here eh? 😛

    My sister who lives in America and has visited me 4 times in the last 18 months have always insisted that I pick her up in Heathrow Airport just so we can have that Love Actually moment. *sigh*

  4. i dont see any good reason to hate Love Actually.

    My sister, who… lets just say if she was on Flixster we wouldnt be 'best friends', got it for christmas a couple years ago, i forced myself to sit through a few minutes of it, and there I find Bill Nighy kicking ass right out of the gate. The movie is simply all over the place, and no story lasts long enough for me to get too tired of it… and even though some parts are lovey dovey, man… in some places its kinda DARK. Poor Laura Linney, for a while it seemed like the was with Jane Adams as the perrennial "shit on" character actor.

  5. Love Actually is one of the most loathsome romantic comedies I've ever had to sit through. Bill Nighy is fine and the darker storylines are okay, but the rest is feel-good porn. Or corn porn.

    No one is going to argue Love Actually is art; it's just cinematic fairy floss. You either enjoy the sweetness or find it unpalatable. I fall into the latter group.

  6. I would argue that the feel good corn KNOWS it is such, which in a way gives it a better oomph than crap like, say, PS I love you, which thinks it has depth.

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