After the Credits Episode 6 – January Preview


Dale, Colleen, Marina and special guest host John look ahead to 2008 with a preview of the films opening in January!

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Show Notes:

Click on movie title for trailer.

:01 – Bumper

:04 – Introduction

Opening January 4th

2:59One Missed Call
4:24The Killing of John Lennon

Opening January 11th

6:19First Sunday
7:41In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale
10:0527 Dresses
12:31The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A Veggie Tales Movie
13:22The Grand
Film info

Opening January 18th

19:40Mad Money
22:05City of Men
25:05Cassandra’s Dream
26:31Taxi to the Dark Side

Opening January 25th

32:09Be Kind Rewind
37:24How She Move
38:38The Air I Breathe
41:164 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
44:57Meet the Spartans
47:56Trailer Park Boys: The Movie


8 thoughts on “After the Credits Episode 6 – January Preview

  1. Kurt and John and myself have actually seen Dungeon Siege. It is laughable, but worth seeing. It's actually not horrible, but it's certainly not good. My personal review is over HERE. Not the most well written piece I've done, but I was writing four reviews per day at this point, so you have to give me a break there.

  2. When they made Date Movie, I thought it couldn't get any worse. Then somebody made Epic Movie. Then somebody made Meet the Spartans.

    How are these people making movies and I'm not? I could seriously spit out a script better than those in less than a day. On zero hours of sleep. Drunk.

  3. No discussion of Woody Allen is complete without MATCH POINT. Wow was that a great film. It's unlike any other Allen film before it because A) it's not a comedy, B) Allen himself is not in it and C) it's really good.

    I agree with the new guy (John is it?) that I was also surprised that this was an Allen film. It sort of looks like Allen is going the way of Cronenberg: completely changing his style – and for the better.

    But I didn't like Scoop at all.

  4. As horny as Diane Lane makes me, I think not on "Untraceable." My new year's resolution this year is to not see every movie that coms down the pipe just for the sake of seeing a movie and writing a review. I'd rather take the time and get through the pile of must see DVDs I have sitting on my shelf.

  5. Oi. I still haven't seen "Match Point" but I had fun with "Scoop" and generally, I'm not an Allen fan.

    @ Jonathan – you should write the script. I'm sure it'll make you a few extra bucks!

  6. Oddly enough, after writing that comment yesterday, I ended up working on a script I've been playing around with. Although it's certainly not aiming to be Hollywood or Sundance worthy and is mostly just something friends and I are playing around with, because my buddy, as a Marine, has access to these ridiculously high-def video cameras. It's a modern day noir western action-comedy.

    The main reason I'm doing it though is so I can play around with Adobe Premiere, get to know the program, work on editing and stuff… and who knows, maybe I'll be a natural and get bitten by the bug and become a struggling filmmaker/actor. Who's with me?

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