After the Credits Episode 7 – Great Movies Dale Missed


Dale, Colleen and Marina share their top 10’s of 2007.

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Show Notes:

:01 – Bumper

:04 – Introduction
1:25 – Top 10’s
31:51 – Closing thoughts

Marina’s Top 10

10. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
9. Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead
8. I Just Didn’t Do It
7. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
6. Eastern Promises
5. The Namesake
4. The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
3. The Band’s Visit
2. Control
1. Atonement

Honorable Mentions: Paprika, Tekkon Kinkreet, There Will Be Blood
Regrets Missing: Zodiac

Colleen’s Top 10

10. Hot Fuzz
9. Juno
8. Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead
7. Eastern Promises
6. The Counterfeiters
5. Atonement
4. My Winnipeg
3. No Country for Old Men
2. The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
1. Control

Honorable Mentions: There Will Be Blood, Rocket Science
Regrets Missing: Rape of Europa
Regrets Seeing: License to Wed

Dale’s Top 5

5. Rape of Europa
4. Live Free or Die Hard
3. Enchanted
2. Mr. Brooks
1. Juno

Honorable Mentions: Hot Fuzz, Rocket Science, Lars and the Real Girl
Regrets Missing: Everything else we mentioned!

6 thoughts on “After the Credits Episode 7 – Great Movies Dale Missed

  1. I still say the beach scene just reeked of trying to hard for me and actually annoyed me to the point of going from meh on the movie to a dislike.

  2. I'm expecting a sizeable backlash to Atonement when it starts grabbing Oscar Nominations… and I think midway it loses a bit of steam for me, and there is an arbitrariness to the long scene but I genuinely enjoyed the film and enjoyed how it approached the topic of cinematic storytelling.

    as for Control: "I Am A Believer In Joy Division, Fucking Hallelujah"

  3. There is nothing about the beach scene that I don't like! Favorite part in the whole film, even more than the library scene.

  4. "There is nothing about the beach scene that I don’t like! Favorite part in the whole film, even more than the library scene."

    I'm not sure how they managed it but they had the main guys wander buy every single interesting thing that could be on the beach. The singers on the beach were the breaking point.

    My dislike stems from before the awards were even announced.

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