After the Credits Episode 16 – Studio Debacles


Dale (Digital Doodles), Colleen (353 Haiku Movie Review) and Marina look over the latest studio/fan screwovers and reviews of Funny Games and The Grand.

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Show Notes:

:01 – Bumper

:04 – Introduction
Movie Club Podcast – Upcoming films for March: Roadkill and Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
1:36Where the Wild Things Are movie news
The book
– Gene Deitch’s animated version of the material
– John Lasseter’s Disney CG animation test based on the material
8:20Fanboys debacle coverage
14:38 – “Brave New World” film adaptation news
Times Online source article
The Island wikipedia entry
19:25 – David Lean centennial
22:20Funny Games
Colleen’s review
– Original Funny Games discussion
– Violence in film discussion
29:09The Grand (our review)
– Slant’s review of the film
Wikipedia entry
Brian Jonestown Massacre

35:20 – Closing thoughts

Outro music – Brian Jonestown Massacre’s “Who”

16 thoughts on “After the Credits Episode 16 – Studio Debacles

  1. The Island is more of a remake of Parts: The Clonus Horror. Having watched the two back to back a couple of years ago, the 'borrowing' is pretty obvious.

    All that being said….Parts' is badly executed, and The Island is probably my favourity Michael Bay movie (not that that says much).

  2. I don't want to knock you Henrik but weren't you just criticizing North American Action movies and the way they portray violence.

    Perhaps I'm missing something but The Rock would be one of the movies that I'd pick as leading the pack for violence being shown poorly.

  3. "Don't think much of Naomi Watts"(!?)

    Really? Check out "Mullholland Drive" or "21 Grams." Her audition scene in "Mullholland Drive" was enough to convince me instantly that's she's amazing – much better than her counterpart Nicole Kidman.

  4. Yeah, but I saw The Rock when I was young and impressionable. When did it come out, like 1996? I was 9 years old then. I can't sit through it today because it's so long, and the action is horrible.

    I do enjoy the Sean Connery asshole character though, and the Thomas Jefferson vs. Oscar Wilde exchange.

  5. C'mon, Naoimi kicks ass in TANK GIRL! 🙂

    Con Air is not Michael Bay, but it's Jerry Bruckheimer, and it shows.

    I recently watched The Rock (or parts of it anyway with my wife, and realized just how flipping bad the thing is. My memory of it (theatrical viewing) seemed to be softer than actually sitting down with it again…)

    I've watched The Island a couple of times, and while it is often brain-dead and a pastiche of many other (many better) sci-fi films. I really do like the film nonetheless.

  6. The Rock has a Criterion addition. I enjoyed it in the theatre, not sure what I would think if I watched it again today.

    I've listened to a couple of Bay's director commentaries. He's an interesting guy and has a passion for his work. I find his movies fun in the moment but not something I'd tend to watch again.

  7. I own The Rock on some sort of 2disc release, and there is a commentary track where Michael Bay is on among others. He makes himself sound brilliant when he tells of situations where he wanted to add stuff to pander to demographics, and seemingly thinks he is brilliant for saying to writers "if they give you 80 million dollars, you better know who you're selling this movie to. Because it may be the last time you'll ever get 80 million dollars." Translation: I don't care what kind of shit I am making, as long as I get to call myself a director.

  8. When it comes to the Rock I think I like it still because when I first saw it I thought Bay was actually poking fun at action movies while still providing a fun action flick. It turns out that he was doing everything quite sincerely and that should make me hate it all the more. I guess I can still just put myself back in that time before I knew just serious he was being.

    The Rock and Con Air blend together for me quite a fair amount and I'm guessing its mostly due to Cage being in both of them.

  9. Watts was 'jet-girl', mousey brown hair, barely recognizable, but there none-the-less. Actually Tank Girl is quite a guilty pleasure for me. I've seen it probably more times than I care to admit…

  10. Tank Girl Rules. Have all the comic books. I really need to own that movie. Saw it 4 times in the theatre, and not once since.

  11. Watts has been good in previous films but I've never had much of a liking for her but for some reason, since Eastern Promises, and now Funny Games, I'm really starting to warm up to her. I think my dislike of her was more personal (though I'm not sure why) than actually thinking she was untalented.

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