Dale (Digital Doodles), Colleen (353 Haiku Review) and Marina look ahead to the films opening in June!
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Show Notes:
Click on movie title for trailer.
:01 – Bumper
:04 – “Get Smart” TV Show theme music
:15 – Introduction
– Movie Club Podcast – Upcoming films: Short Cuts and I Heart Huckabees
– Teasing the Senses:The Visual Style of Ratatouille SIGGRAPH event
– Manoel de Oliveira retrospective at The Pacific Cinémathèque
Opening June 6th
5:08 – You Don’t Mess with the Zohan
7:15 – Mongol
8:40 – Kung Fu Panda
10:21 – The Promotion
12:13 – When Did You Last See Your Father?
14:29 – Mother of Tears
15:20 – Miss Conception
16:09 – Encounters at the End of the World
Opening June 13th
17:39 – The Incredible Hulk
20:19 – The Happening
24:40 – My Winnipeg
25:35 – Baghead
Opening June 20th
27:31 – Get Smart
31:08 – The Love Guru
32:38 – Kit Kittredge: An American Girl
35:08 – Brick Lane
Opening June 27th
36:28 – Wall-E
39:57 – Wanted
41:48 – Gunnin’ for That #1 Spot
42:28 – Finding Amanda
47:57 – Closing thoughts
Closing music – Carl Douglas’ “Kung Fu Fighting”
Funny, for some reason I thought Kit Kittridge had already came and went in the theatres…!
MONGOL! Kurt's been complaining about Toronto not showing stuff lately, but at least he got to see this.
Uh, yea, at Toronto International Film Festival, not in a local cinema!.
Mongol is still on tap to show in the Cities in August Drew.
Scratch that, June 20th @ The Uptown.
Yeah, I've seen the poster in your lobby. I'll be there for sure. I also noticed a "My Winnipeg" poster. I expect a telephone call if Maddin himself shows up to narrate. I'll leave work immediately.
Great podcast! Looks like June will have some winners and some doozies.
Sergei Bodrov (Mongol) also directed a fantastic film called "Bear's Kiss" that I saw at TIFF back in '02. It's not for everyone (read: magical realism), but I just loved it. Not sure how available it is though 🙁
Encounters at the End of the World is quite beautiful, I hope it comes out there in the theatre so that the full experience can be had.
Brick Lane looks awesome, I saw part of the preview then covered my eyes and ears. I'm picking up the book this weekend and hoping to finish it by the film release date.
Good luck Colleen on the 48 hour movie marathon fundraiser! You should say some shout outs of films you *want* to see to tip the scales!
I listened to this yesterday, but I think you mentioned "The Fall" somewhere in here and then "The Cell." Anyway, I watched about 1/2 of "The Cell" last night (got late, had to go to bed) and it's much better than I remember it being. The visuals alone are totally kick ass – I remember them being cool, but not this cool.
The story is a great idea but doesn't come across as totally believable which is a bit of a hindrance. I think Vince Vaughn is miscast here as well. This is back when Jennifer Lopez was still good (before "Enough" and "Maid in Manhattan" and all that shit).
Also Dylan Baker is here. A plus.
Thanks, but I hopeful don't get to pick any of the films. The idea was to get people to inflict the worst of cinema upon me. I love an insane challenge!
I did donate, so I do get one film selction (the man with the screaming brain)Bruce Campbell's only horrid film.
(the man with the screaming brain)Bruce Campbell’s only horrid film.
And here I thought you'd given up any thought of watching that nightmare again. For the record, I did attempt it but like with Plan 9 from Outer Space and Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, I only got 20minutes in before declaring WTF and turning it off.
As for The Cell, I remember enjoying it the first time I saw. For whatever reason, I only revisited recently when I traded the DVD with Leeny for Freddy Got Fingered (I think she got the short end of the stick) and re-watched it and it's pretty solid. Agreed that Vaughn doesn't work and though I like Vincent D'Onofrio, he does very little for me in his role here but yeah, the film has some gruesome yet beautiful visuals.
Oh my Colleen I didn't realize that was the *point* of the challenge. Whelp, if that is the case, more power to you and I hope it goes … awfully!