After The Credits Episode 25 – Quiet Beauty


Dale (Digital Doodles), Colleen (353 Haiku Review) and Marina discuss a few recently seen films.

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Show Notes:

:01 – Bumper
:04 – Intro Music – Moby’s “Memory Gospel”
1:06 – Introduction
1:58Southland Tales
5:52City of Lost Children
11:24The Forbidden Kingdom
15:10Silent Light **SPOILER**
20:00Samurai Rebellion
23:28House of Sand
26:38Son of Rambow
36:20 – Closing thoughts
42:08 – Outro Music – Duran Duran’s “Wild Boys”

Southland Tales

Andrew’s Review
Kurt’s Review
Colleen’s Review
Official Website
Film Critic Review


City of Lost Children

Colleen’s Review
Official Website


The Forbidden Kingdom

Official Website


Silent Light

Official Website


Opening Scene

Samurai Rebellion

Colleen’s Review


House of Sand

Official Website


Son of Rambow

Colleen’s Review
Official Website


Other Stuff:

Movie Club Podcast
Upcoming films Short Cuts and I Heart Huckabees
– Colleen’s 48 Hours of Madness

13 thoughts on “After The Credits Episode 25 – Quiet Beauty

  1. Yikes! I forgot to add the spoiler warning! It's fixed now! 🙂

    Heading over to read your review. I didn't realize there was a connection to something else with that ending.

  2. Bugger.

    Just read your thoughts and we're on the same page, even with the ending. For me, it wasn't so much icing on the cake, it did make me question the decision, but it didn't detract from the my enjoyment of the film.

    And on a side note, it's playing in Vancouver for a week. We went on the first night and it was a near complete sell out. It was nice to see!

  3. Damn you Vancouver, always getting everything!

    I'm dying to see it again…

    I will admit the ending was jarring, how couldn't it be but had we both saw the film it was referencing it would have been less so… I have still not seen the film but i know of it. Still, my perception of Silent Light was that there was an awe in every frame, and the main characters seemed detached from it all around them, and so the ending makes sense, like the awe manifests itself.

  4. @rot We don't get every film playing here. Black Sheep never came to town, and I am bitter as hell!

    Most anticipated film of 2007!

  5. I have seen Black Sheep, its just I wanted to see it on the big screen so badly. I use my 19" monitor to watch all my rental film. Some films just need to be seen on the big screen. Black Sheep, for all of its faults (and I agree there were a few) is still the exact kind of film I truely adore. Kurasawa, Lean, Coens…. all are fantastic but my heart belongs to the horrid B-movie horror/scifi set.

  6. leeny – Have you seen the irish animal husbandry gone bad flick "ISOLATION" – a solid piece of horror/sci-fi worth looking for.

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