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Dale (Digital Doodles), Colleen and Marina look ahead to the films opening in December.
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Show Notes:
Click on movie title for the trailer.
Opening Music: Editors’ “Smokers Outside the Hospital Doors” (iTunes)
Opening December 4th
Up in the Air
The Last Station
Serious Moonlight
Opening December 11th
The Princess and the Frog
The Lovely Bones
A Single Man
The Slammin’ Salmon
Opening December 18th
Did You Hear About the Morgans?
A Town Called Panic
– Fritz the Cat meets “Gumby”
The Young Victoria
– Marina’s Review
Crazy Heart
Opening December 25th
It’s Complicated
Sherlock Holmes
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
– Kurt’s Review
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel
The White Ribbon
– Mike’s Review
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond
Closing Music: Editors’ “Eat Raw Meet = Blood Drool” (iTunes)
And yes, I’m two timing. Check out my writing at
– Kurt’s Review
– Dale’s Review
What’s Up Lovely Trailer
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I've not heard talk of Oscar-ness over Heath's performance in Doctor Parnassus. I think the entire cast gives great performances but for me I would have to say that Andrew Garfield is the one who really shines here. I thought he was great in the role that he had.
Going to have to think about the worst Christmas movies to make someone sit through – nothing is popping to mind right away.
If there is Oscar talk for Parnassus, it better be for Christopher Plummer, or at least Mr. Tom Waits in his lovely role as Mephistopheles.
Worst Christmas movie to sit through: Love, Actually, The Family Stone, anything christmas related with Tim Allen or Ahnold Governator, or that one with Vince Vaughn (Fred Claus?)
Love Actually has sort of become a staple around our fireplace at Christmas time. Love it to death if only for the great cast (Bill Nighy, Emma T, Rickman, Hugh Grant, et. al.). Wanna get laid by Denise Richards? Just fly to the states.
But no, worst Christmas movie of all time is Silent Night Deadly Night 2.
And yeah, the Family Stone was not good at all:…
Wow. Two name drops in the same show – I'm honored.
This is the weirdest December in film history that I can remember. I'm not really excited about anything. Last year I was scrambling to see about 4 films each week in December. This year all I am really excited for is "NINE."
It helps I already saw Broken Embraces and White Ribbon elsewhere, but still. I mean I wanna see Parnassus and Crazy Heart, but I'm not going crazy excited for anything at all. It's a stress reliever I suppose to not have to worry about it, but damn I want my quality, Oscar films! I'm not even seeing anything in theaters this weekend at all. Sheesh!
I can't see what's to take fault with in Love Actually.
I guess that's down Kurt talking… there's more to holiday watching than the Ref yknow 🙂
"This is the weirdest December in film history that I can remember. I’m not really excited about anything. Last year I was scrambling to see about 4 films each week in December. This year all I am really excited for is “NINE.”
Yeah I'm not excited for Nine anymore. But I'm ramped back up for Avatar now, wouldnt mind seeing Sherlock Holmes, and there's a couple other "see it with my sister?" movies that could have me in the theater on Christmas Day, as per usual for us.
I feel like there's some weird conspiracy going on with the industry Avatar praise. Stiller was on some late night show yesterday raving about it and he's not even in the damn thing and he HASN'T EVEN SEEN IT! But for some reason brought a clip with him to show. Not that I'm calling Stiller a liar.
He is in major kahoots with 20th Century Fox though. Just sayin'.
This "conspiracy" about Ben Stiller promoting Avatar that's been floating around the web is the latest example that the anti Avatar hysteria has gone completely deranged.
He was more mocking the movie than promoting it. That site you linked to seems to lack an irony detector.
I liked The Family Stone. Craig T. Nelson is good in it.
"there’s a couple other “see it with my sister?” movies that could have me in the theater on Christmas Day"
Is this an offical pre-review stance? Goon, news flash, nobody here gives a shit about your sister and what she wants to watch. I'm harsh, but love is tough man.
@ love is tough man.
this sounds like the pick up line of a Vietnamese male prostitute.
Jizzbag Crow, Henrik, all it means is that there's movies I will watch at Christmas just for the sake of hangouts that I wouldn't catch otherwise.
And besides, my sister is awesome.
I'm sorry.
I will take your word for it that your sister is awesome. Even though you have to drag her into your arguments and afterwards proclaim that she is awesome, I will still belive that she actually is. I was fishing with despicable bait.
Stay out of this Rusty, I am too easy a target for you to be concerned with
Sorry. Didn't realize I'd stepped in something. Moving on.