After the Credits Episode 112: August Preview

Life and roller derby got in the way of a July preview but Dale (Digital Doodles), Colleen and I find found a bit of time to get together this past week to look ahead at the collection of movies that make up the August release schedule. There’s a moment of digression early on but we manage to get through the month with few other distractions and for TV lovers, we spend the last 40 minutes talking good, if not great, TV.


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Show Notes:

Click on movie title for the trailer.

Opening Music: Porcelain Raft’s “Drifting In And Out (iTunes)

Opening August 3rd

Total Recall
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
Celeste and Jesse Forever
The Babymakers
You’ve Been Trumped

Opening August 10th

The Bourne Legacy
The Campaign
Hope Springs
2 Days in New York
Red Hook Summer

Opening August 17th

The Expendables 2
The Odd Life of Timothy Green
– Ross’ review
– Marina’s review
The Awakening

Opening August 24th

Premium Rush
The Apparition
Hit & Run
Robot & Frank

Opening August 31st

For a Good Time, Call…

Closing Music: Kelly Clarkson’s “Breakaway (iTunes)

Festival Cinemas

Vancity Theatre

Pacific Cinematheque

Movie Club Podcast Logo

Current Films: Paris, Texas and Southland Tales
Upcoming Films: 52 Pick-Up and The Driver

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