After the Credits Episode 127: May Preview

The release of Iron Man 3 and The Hangover 3 is a clear marker that the summer movie season is officially kicking off and while we couldn’t muster up much energy for either of those titles, Dale (Letterboxd), Colleen and I (Letterboxd) did spend more time than necessary waxing poetic on the the Fast & Furious franchise, pondering on the possibility of Khan in the Star Trek Into Darkness and salivating over the return of the “Vengeance Trilogy” to Vancouver.


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Show Notes:

Click on movie title for the trailer.

Opening Music: Teriyaki Boys’ “Tokyo Drift (iTunes)

Opening May 3rd

Iron Man 3
Love Is All You Need
Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf’s
The Iceman
Something In The Air
What Maisie Knew
Kiss of the Damned

Opening May 10th

The Great Batsby

Opening May 17th

Star Trek Into Darkness
Frances Ha
– Mike’s review

Opening May 24th

Fast & Furious 6
The Hangover III
Before Midnight

Opening May 31st

After Earth
Now You See Me
The Kings of Summer
The PurgeThe East

Closing Music: Stevie Nicks’ “Moonlight (A Vampire Dream) (iTunes)

Pacific Cinematheque

Vancity Theatre




Movie Club Podcast Logo

Current Films: Mr. Nobody, The Fountain and Bellflower
Upcoming Films: Naked Lunch and Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story

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