After the Credits Episode 156: October Preview

In an effort to stay on schedule to deliver a monthly preview for the entire year, Colleen, Dale (Letterboxd) and I (Letterboxd) scheduled some time a little earlier than usual to catch up on the October releases before the madness of the Vancouver International Film Festival takes over!

[spoiler] Cinecast (Andrew and Halfyard show)
After the Credits (Marina and Co.)
Mamo! (Matt and Matt)
ALL the RowThree Podcasts on one feed
All posts and discussions from RowThree[/spoiler]

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Show Notes:

Click on movie title for the trailer.

Opening Music: The Doors’ “Five to One

Opening October 3rd

Gone Girl
– David Fincher’s “Playboy” interview
The Good Lie

Opening October 10th

The Judge
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Dracula Untold
VIFF page
Kill the Messenger
The Overnighters

Opening October 17th

The Best of Me
The Book of Life
The Town That Dreaded Sundown

Opening October 24th

Kingsman: The Secret Service
White Bird in a Blizzard
VIFF page
St. Vincent

Opening October 31st

ABC’s of Death 2

Closing Music: CSS’ “Faith In Love

Pacific Cinematheque




Movie Club Podcast Logo

Current Films: Pick Up on South Street and The Big Combo
Upcoming Films: Punch-Drunk Love and Popeye

2 thoughts on “After the Credits Episode 156: October Preview

  1. Another great show guys, I gotta say though I agree with Colleen, Dracula Untold looks like shit.
    Anyway, my real reason for commenting is that it seems like the issue of not wanting to go to a theater due to shitty theater patrons is almost a Canadian thing. I listen to 6 film podcasts from Canada and all of them have complained about assholes on phones or talking numerous times. I myself live 25 minutes south of downtown Chicago and go to theaters at least once a week and often on opening weekend. I think I have had an issue with people causing problems only 1 time in the last year. Understandably that’s only my experience, but it seems like Canadians aren’t as nice as they are portrayed lol.

    Anyway, you’ve almost made it…only 2 more episodes to get the full 12 for the year. Let’s not get sick or anything to fuck it up. 🙂

  2. I wonder if you’re right and it is mostly a Canadian problem. I haven’t been to the movies since March but I don’t recall having an issue. It does seem to be getting a bit better but still a pain.

    PS – we are so on a mission to complete the year.

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