After the Credits Episode 296: Littlest Hobo Media Spew –

So what has the After the Credits crew been up to since the last episode of the podcast? There’s only one way to find out!

Join Dale (Letterboxd), Collen, and I (Letterboxd) as we dig into some of the movies, TV and books we’ve been consuming of late!

Opening and closing credits music is “Arcadia” by Kevin MacLeod. Used under CC BY License.

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Continue reading After the Credits Episode 296: Littlest Hobo Media Spew –

Girls on Pop – Episode 16: The Mormon Edition

As always in Hollywood, we dig into even more drama this week though this time we’re talking Mormons, Zack Snyder and the (maybe) upcoming Summer Blockbuster season.

Join Marina (@themarina) and Ashley (@ashleylynch) as they dig into the mess.

Discussed this episode:


Opening and closing credits music is “Happy Alley” by Kevin MacLeod. Used under CC BY License.

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

We can also be contacted via email –!

Girls on Pop – Episode 15: Let’s Talk About Sex

Drama. So much drama. Sexless superheroes, cartoon characters that aren’t sexy enough or perhaps are too sexy… what’s going on? 

Join Marina (@themarina) and Ashley (@ashleylynch) as they dig into the mess.

Discussed this episode:


  • Rose Plays Julie

Opening and closing credits music is “Happy Alley” by Kevin MacLeod. Used under CC BY License.

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

We can also be contacted via email –!

After the Credits Episode 295: Littlest Hobo Media Spew – Superhero Edition

It’s been a few weeks since we last touched base but the crew is back together for the second episode of 2021!

Join Dale (Letterboxd), Collen, and I (Letterboxd) as we dig into some fo the movies, TV and books we’ve been consuming over the last four weeks.

Also mentioned on this week’s show:

Opening and closing credits music is “Arcadia” by Kevin MacLeod. Used under CC BY License.

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Continue reading After the Credits Episode 295: Littlest Hobo Media Spew – Superhero Edition

Girls on Pop – Episode 14: Gina Carano: Conservative Superstar

Girls on Pop - Episode 14

We’re now well into the new year and it looks like we might be getting back to the movies in time for this year’s award season but until then, the movies and Hollywood drama continue to unfold.

Join Marina (@themarina) and Ashley (@ashleylynch) as they dig into the latest drama with Gina Carano, The Daily Wire’s move into movie distribution, and the new trailer for Mortal Kombat.

Discussed this episode:


Opening and closing credits music is “Happy Alley” by Kevin MacLeod. Used under CC BY License.

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

We can also be contacted via email –!

After the Credits Episode 294: Littlest Hobo Media Spew – Happy New Year!

Hello New Year! At the end of January! Yeah, it’s already like that.

The holidays always provide a great opportunity to catch up. Be it movies and TV missed throughout the year or new offerings, it’s a great time to curl up with some great content and we certainly did that over this holiday.

Join Dale (Letterboxd) and I (Letterboxd) for a recap of what we consumed over the holidays and don’t forget to let us know what you watched!

Also mentioned on this week’s show:

Opening and closing credits music is “Arcadia” by Kevin MacLeod. Used under CC BY License.

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Continue reading After the Credits Episode 294: Littlest Hobo Media Spew – Happy New Year!

Girls on Pop – Episode 13: AT&T vs. Hollywood


What a crazy couple of weeks! Just when you thought Hollywood was starting to slow down with big news in wake of the holidays, this happens!

Join Marina (@themarina) and Ashley (@ashleylynch) as they share what may be some unpopular opinions about the WB/HBO Max news, the upcoming Spiderman movie and Disney’s ongoing mining expedition into all things Star Wars.

Discussed this episode:


Opening and closing credits music is “Happy Alley” by Kevin MacLeod. Used under CC BY License.

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

We can also be contacted via email –!

After the Credits Episode 293: Littlest Hobo Media Spew – December Already?

It’s been a weird year. It feels like it has both gone too fast and too slow. How is that possible?

Either way, I’m (Letterboxd) once again joined by Dale (Letterboxd), and Colleen (London Lives), to catch up on what the team has been watching, listening to, and reading over the last few weeks.

Also mentioned on this week’s show:

Opening and closing credits music is “Arcadia” by Kevin MacLeod. Used under CC BY License.

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Continue reading After the Credits Episode 293: Littlest Hobo Media Spew – December Already?

Girls on Pop – Episode 12: The Return


Girls on Pop (v2) returns! The show is back with the same concept – entertainment news highlights with insight and recommendations – but with a new host!

Join Marina (@themarina) and Ashley (@ashleylynch) as they discuss the recent announcement that we’ll be getting both super heroes and monsters for Christmas.

Discussed this episode:


Opening and closing credits music is “Happy Alley” by Kevin MacLeod. Used under CC BY License.

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

We can also be contacted via email –!

After the Credits Episode 292: Littlest Hobo Media Spew – Summer is Over


Summer is officially over. At least in Vancouver.

The sun has gone and been replaced by what feels like endless rain. Whatever happened to autumn? It feels like we skipped directly to winter.

Festival season too has been a bit strange this year but after a short break for my festival hiatus, I’m (Letterboxd) once again joined by Dale (Letterboxd), and Colleen (London Lives), to catch up on what the team has been watching, listening to, and reading over the last few weeks.

Also mentioned on this week’s show:

Opening and closing credits music is “Arcadia” by Kevin MacLeod. Used under CC BY License.

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Continue reading After the Credits Episode 292: Littlest Hobo Media Spew – Summer is Over