After the Credits Episode 266: August Preview

The women are in charge

Something feels a bit “off” about this summer movie season. Though the movies keep coming, it feels like it’s been months since we’ve had an “event” movie, something that screams to be seen on the big screen and while for some, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is that movie, for many more the summer must-see still eludes.

That said, August is almost upon us and with it another round of releases and it seems, August is the month of the documentary.  Join us as Dale (Letterboxd), Colleen, and I (Letterboxd) look ahead to this month’s releases including a handful of fantastic looking documentaries.

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Show Notes:

Click on movie title for the trailer.

Opening Music: Rolling Stones’ “Paint it Black

Opening August 2nd

Opening August 9th

Opening August 16th

Opening August 23rd

Opening August 30th

Closing Music: Apocalyptica’s “At the Gates of Manala

Pacific Cinematheque
Vancity Theatre

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